Tag Archives: Go Ask Alice

Lucy In The Sky


Anonymous, . Lucy In The Sky. New York, New York:
Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Division, 2012. Print.
ISBN: 978-1-4424-5185-8

Lucy In The Sky

Written by: Anonymous

Reviewed by: Yvon Doan

Recommended Age Group: High School

Lucy In The Sky is about an innocent girl in high school living a good life. She’s never done anything to disappoint her parents. She was the type of girl to always get good grades and never disobey her parents. She’s never done any type of drugs, drank any bit alcohol, or even been to a real high school party before. It’s not that she was an outsider or anything, it’s simply because she wasn’t interested in doing those kind of things.

One day, she met this guy named Ross in yoga class. He was a dreamy beach boy who also did drugs. She wasn’t sure if she should keep seeing him or not. One night, her older brother, Cameron invited her to her very first big high school party. She was super excited, but yet nervous. At the party, she saw Ross again. She also met Astrid and Lauren. They gave her her first taste of alcohol and pot. She liked it very much, maybe a little too much.

Later on, she started to hang out with Ross and Lauren on a daily basis. She started partying every weekend, smoking pot everyday. She thought it was all fun and games, never did it cross her mind that something bad could happen. Eventually, it became out of control. She didn’t care about school anymore, she did everything and anything she could to not be sober. She was always out there looking for a new, more blood rushing way to be high. She went from smoking pot, to drinking alcohol, to popping pills, to snorting cocaine, to doing meth, and lastly, shooting heroin. It started with one taste of alcohol, and ended with one to many doses to heroin.


Book Review: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12755252-lucy-in-the-sky

Book Review: http://www.wovenmyst.com/2012/05/08/lucy-in-the-sky-by-anonymous/

Book Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UO7mFjlXups

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Filed under High School, Uncategorized, Young Adult

Go Ask Alice

 New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 1971. Print

ISBN: 0671664589

Written By: Anonymous

Reviewed By: Jocelyn Calvillo

Recommended Audience: High School Students, Young Adult

This Novel is based off an unnamed fifteen year old girls diary. In the Novel they refer to the girl as Alice. The Novel starts off talking about this young girl and her perfect life. She is good student and gets good grades. Alice’s father is a college professor. He got a job opportunity out of state. He accepted the teaching position at a different college which forced the family to move. At the time, Alice was excited about moving and the idea of meeting new people. But, little did she know, her life would go downhill from there. The move was difficult for Alice. While the rest of her family easily adjusted to the new town, Alice felt like an outcast at school. It all started when Alice was at the party and unwittingly dropped LSD and experienced a fantastic drug trip. Like many teenagers, Alice was pressured into trying drugs. Alice promised herself she would never try drugs again. As you can guess, she didn’t keep the promise with herself. Her curiosity in drugs grew and she began experimenting with more drugs. She eventually lost her virginity while on acid. From the flash of her eyes she could see her life slipping away. This situation is very common with teenagers. Many Teenagers are pressured into doing drugs. Most who do try drugs do not find themselves in an addiction. But like Alice, some do. Alice started meeting new people. She would do drugs with them, sometimes even at school. Alice started getting introduced to more people who were nothing but trouble. Alice continued to do drugs without her family’s knowledge. She would hitchhike to Denver, she would travel to Oregon with other drug users, and she even started prostituting herself for drugs. Within a year, both her grandparents died. This brought her into an even deeper depression. With all this, Alice was forced to register at the State Mental Hospital. She hated it and was frightened by all the weird people there. Alice was eventually released. The mental hospital didn’t seem to help her at all. In the epilogue, we are told that Alice died three weeks later of an overdose. Whether it was premeditated or accidental remains unclear.

Alice was one of thousands of drug deaths that year. It’s scary to think many people in this society live that life. Drugs surround us. But, it’s your choice whether you want to live that life or not. Alice never saw this life ahead of her. Little did she know drugs would have been the death of her. Unfortunately there are many people out there who have died because of drugs. Those who have done drugs can relate to this book. And those who haven’t done drugs can still very much relate to this book. Almost all of us have personally been around drugs, have had friends who’ve used drugs, or know someone who uses drugs today. I highly recommend reading this book because it is very interesting and gives a great life message to those who read it!

Authors Website: Anomynous

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